Photo Safari Through the Rivers of Thompson

Unlike my colleague who is positioned to the desk on my right, I actually got out of the office (see her safari here its really good) to explore the strange place they call Old Main located at the center of the land they call Thompson Rivers. Through out my adventure exploring the strange land, I saw  zombies like creatures roaming freely through the safari. Many of the zombies seem to enjoy the taste of coffee as they  line up in single file waiting for their hot beverages given to them by a creature who can never get their names correct or count to 20 in english (see Starbucks cup sizes here).  My Canon t5i companion and I only had 15 mins (I may or may not have doubled it) to get through this safari and we came across some strange so I thought it would be appropriate to share.

Something that shows the current time!

Entering the Safari (Recognize the watch from Brianna, Author of BRILEIGHANT blog)
Entering the Safari (Recognize the watch from Brianna, Author of BRILEIGHANT blog)

Make an ordinary object look more interesting, almost supernatural

A Super Country
A Super Country

Take a photo that makes use of converging lines

  • See Between the Lines
    See Between the Lines

    Take a photo dominated by a single color

    The Red Otter
    The Red Otter

    Take a photo of something at an unusual angle

    Acting a Stool
    Acting a Stool

    Take a photo of two things that do not belong together

    [Insert Clever Caption Here]
    [Insert Clever Caption Here]
    Take a photo that represents the idea of “creativity”

    Venom & Goldielocks
    Venom & Goldielocks

    Take a photo that expresses a human emotion

    Expressoing my Happy Emotions
    Expressoing my Happy Emotions

    Take a photo that emphasizes mostly dark tones or mostly light ones.

    Green Lanterns Gym Bag
    Green Lanterns Gym Bag

    Make a photo that is abstract, that would make someone ask, “Is that a photograph?”

    Kleenex Box or Outside, Bless You.
    Kleenex Box or Outside, Bless You.

    Take a photo of an interesting shadow.

    The Shadows Betray You Because They Belong to Me
    The Shadows Betray You Because They Belong to Me

    Take a photo that represents a metaphor for complexity.

    One Quarter, You Chose
    One Quarter, You Chose

    Take a photo of someone else’s hand (or paw)

    Its a nail Biter!
    Its a nail Biter!

    Take another photo of a timepiece that shows the time you stopped

    Vanna White Who?? Brianna White!
    Vanna White Who??  Brianna White! Its 10am by the way.


    Expressoing my Happy Emotions
    Expressoing my Happy Emotions

    The land of Old Main was a great safari to visit, while on my adventure I had some nice zombies who were interested in what I was completing. I enjoying showing different photos in different ways such as depth of field that you see in the Starbucks picture on the left.

    If I were to do a photo safari again, I would like to do it over a course of the week with each day you are challenged to find a type of photo. After the week is complete then we would put together a gallery with the challenges and blog about our findings. Have a look at my collage below.

Thanks for viewing my photo safari prepared in the jungle of student engagement office. Don’t Forget If you want more of Brianna White, check her out (double entendre)

One thought on “Photo Safari Through the Rivers of Thompson”

  1. Excellent safari work, Tim Bits! Sure we could give you a whole week (essentially that is what’s happening in The Daily challenge but I need to fix that site ASAP) but this is more a chance to see how you can start noticing details in an ordinary place.

    Your ending clock wins my prize for originality (the prize might be a cup of happy emotions)

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